What is this division about?
Division 4 of the core module focuses on the following standards that can present significant risk to the person and others:
- Standard 1: Safe environment
- Standard 2: Participant money and property
- Standard 3: Management of medication
- Standard 4: Management of waste.
Tip: It is important to understand that standard 3 and 4 in this division are not compulsory. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) will let you know if you need to meet these last two standards. They will base this on your answers to the service delivery questions in the NDIS provider application.
Why is it important?
The NDIS Commission is responsible for overseeing the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. This includes NDIS providers of any size and with any number of participants.
The NDIS Commission wants to make sure that all services, including services-for-one:
- have safe environments for the person
- handle the person’s money and belongings with respect and responsibility
- can safely manage the person’s medication, if needed, as well as any side effects
- has processes in place to manage clinical, infectious or hazardous waste, if needed.
What will the auditors be looking for?
Auditors will look for evidence to show that:
- the person is supported and safe in their environment
- the person can easily identify the workers supporting them
- the person’s money and property are treated with respect and accounted for
- the person has choice about how their own money is spent, with appropriate support
- workers understand medication and records show medication processes are managed safely, if this applies
- workers have training in waste management for their roles and there are waste management plans, if this applies
- there is a risk register, covering environmental risks for the person and workers when outside of the home environment.
Tables of evidence
How to use the tables in this guide
We have included the following tables as checklists to help you prepare for your online self-assessment and your audit.
Each table includes examples of evidence that will help you show the auditor that you are meeting the practice standard that is described at the top of each section. These are examples of evidence only. You are likely to have other evidence you can also show the auditors.
The questions before each table are the quality indicators for each practice standard. These help you assess your progress towards meeting each practice standard. Each question is numbered. The numbers in the table relate to the numbers for each question.
There is also a large table at the end of the printable document (PDF) that you can use as a checklist to keep track of the evidence you are providing and the practice standards you are meeting. The numbers in this large table also relate to the quality indicators for each standard.
Remember that the auditors will also consider evidence including:
- your policies and procedures
- feedback from the person, key stakeholders, workers and chosen communities, such as sporting, social or religious groups and other providers (where necessary)
- observation during the audit process.
We have not listed these in the tables as they apply across almost every practice standard.
Safe environment
The person can access supports in a safe environment that meets their needs.
Quality indicators (QI)
Auditors will assess your progress towards this outcome using the following quality indicators:
QI 1. Can the person easily identify the workers who support them?
QI 2. If the service-for-one provides supports in the person’s home, does the service-for-one work with the person to make sure their home is a safe place to deliver support?
QI 3. Does the provider work with other providers and services to:
- identify and deal with risks?
- make sure environments are safe?
- prevent and manage injuries?
The type of evidence you can use | QI 1 | QI 2 | QI 3 |
Work health and safety checklist and risk assessment for in-home support | No | Yes | No |
Photo identification for workers | Yes | No | No |
A risk register covering environmental risks for the person and workers outside the home | No | No | Yes |
The person gets a phone call or text to let them know the worker is on their way | Yes | No | No |
Participant money and property
The person’s money and property are secure. The person can use their own money and property the way they choose to.
Quality indicators (QI)
Auditors will assess your progress towards this outcome using the following quality indicators:
QI 1. If the service-for-one has access to the person’s money or other property, are there processes to make sure they are managed, protected and accounted for? Does the service-for-one apply and review these processes and communicate them to the person? Are the person’s money or property only used with the person’s consent? Are the person’s money or property only used in the way the person wants them to be used?
QI 2. Does the service-for-one support the person to access and spend their money in the way they choose to?
QI 3. Does the service-for-one make sure that person is not given financial advice or information other than about things that would reasonably be required under their plan?
The type of evidence you can use | QI 1 | QI 2 | QI 3 |
Record of consent, such as a signature, audio or video file, that explains how a person’s money or property is used | Yes | No | No |
Records of how the person’s money is spent, including how their money is separated from NDIS funds | Yes | Yes | No |
Management of medication
If the person needs medication, they are confident that their service-for-one:
- administers and stores their medication correctly
- monitors the effects of the medication
- works to prevent medication errors or incidents.
Quality indicators (QI)
Auditors will assess your progress towards this outcome using the following quality indicators:
QI 1. Do the service-for-one’s records clearly identify the medication and dosage the person needs? This includes all the information needed to correctly identify the person and to safely administer their medication.
QI 2. Do the workers responsible for administering medication understand the effects and side-effects of the medication? Do the workers understand the steps to take if there is an incident involving medication?
QI 3. Are all medications stored safely and securely? Can the medications be easily identified and differentiated? Can the medication only be accessed by appropriately trained workers?
The type of evidence you can use | QI 1 | QI 2 | QI 3 |
Medication administration records for the person | Yes | No | No |
Records of monitoring medication and its side effects | Yes | Yes | No |
Records of worker training (including COVID-19) | No | Yes | No |
Position description for workers that includes responsibilities that relate to medication | No | Yes | No |
Storage of medication | No | No | Yes |
Management of waste
The person, workers and anyone in the home are protected from harm as a result of exposure to waste and infectious or hazardous substances while support is delivered.
Quality indicators (QI)
Auditors will assess your progress towards this outcome using the following quality indicators:
QI 1. Are there policies, procedures and practices for the safe and appropriate storage and disposal of waste and infectious or hazardous substances? Do these policies, procedures and practices comply with legislation and local health district requirements?
QI 2. Are incidents with infectious material, body substances or hazardous substances reported, recorded, investigated and reviewed?
QI 3. Is there an emergency plan to respond to clinical waste or hazardous substance management issues and incidents? If the emergency plan was implemented, did the service-for-one review its effectiveness and make any necessary changes?
QI 4. Do workers involved in managing waste and hazardous substances receive training to make sure they know how to handle them safely and appropriately? This includes training on any protective equipment and clothing required when handling waste or hazardous substances.
The type of evidence you can use | QI 1 | QI 2 | QI 3 | QI 4 |
Records of testing and evaluation of the emergency plan | No | No | Yes | No |
Waste removal records | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Records of worker training (including COVID-19) | No | No | No | Yes |
Waste management plan | Yes | Yes | No | No |