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Money decisions

Making decisions about money and having financial independence is important.

Having money and understanding money helps us be more independent and live the life we want.  

It is important that people have some basic understanding of their own money and the impact of money on their lives.

Building money skills for independence can feel scary and hard but that is why we have developed some useful guides.

Through our Make Decisions Real project we have created accessible guides and tools for people with an intellectual disability and their families on how to develop safe money skills and independence.

We have also made some easy read fact sheets about making decisions about money.

You can also find these easy read factsheets translated into 10 other languages here.

You can find a series of animated videos about making money decisions here.

You can download the easy read factsheets below.

We made some conversation cards called Make Decisions Real – Focus on Money. These cards are to help people with an intellectual disability and their supporters think and talk about making decisions.