Make Decisions Real was a national project codesigned by people with an intellectual disability for people with disabilities and families about making decisions.

Supported Decision Making is about helping people with a disability make their own decisions with the right support.
There have been many supported decision making projects in Australia, but very few led by people with an intellectual disability.
The aim of the Make Decisions Real project was to:
- Increase the knowledge and skills of people with an intellectual disability and the people who support them about making decisions.
- Increase peoples’ confidence in making their own decisions
- Encourage greater choice, opportunities and independence.
NEW! Please visit our Make Decisions Real site for the full range of free resources.
What we did
In partnership with people with an intellectual disability we:
- Evaluated existing supported decision-making resources across Australia
- Co-designed resources and workshops
- Made videos about people with an intellectual disability doing supported decision making
- Ran workshops about supported decision making
- Explored the decisions people with an intellectual disability make about their money
- Developed a range of supported decision making resources
- Made a website with free resources dedicated to supported decision making
Make Decisions Real project was funded by a National Disability Insurance Agency Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant and ran until June 2024.