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Our campaigns

We work to make sure laws, policies and practices support the rights of all people with an intellectual disability.

Campaigns are an important part of this work. Campaigns can raise awareness on specific issues and lead to action by governments and others.

We work together with individuals, organisations and the community on campaigns that support our vision of an inclusive society for people with an intellectual disability.

We also support other organisations in their campaigns for a fairer society for all. 

The Every Australian Counts campaign for the NDIS is an example of the power of campaigns and working together to make real change.

Our most recent campaigns are:


  • Our Health Counts

    Related topics:

    The Our Health Counts campaign supports the rights of people with intellectual disability to high quality healthcare without discrimination. Click on the link above to learn more.

    End Deadly Disability Discrimination logo
  • NDIS Independent Assessments

    Related topics:

    The Hands Off Our NDIS campaign worked to stop the Australian Government introducing compulsory independent assessments for NDIS participants. Click on the link above to learn more.

    Hands off our NDIS logo