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NDIS Independent Assessments

Hands off our NDIS logo

In 2020, the Australian Government announced plans to introduce compulsory independent assessments as part of changes to NDIS planning and funding.  

Inclusion Australia fought very hard to overturn these plans.  

We spoke to everyone we could – politicians, leaders within the NDIA and the media.  

We said that the changes:  

  • were not based in evidence 
  • took the wrong approach  
  • would significantly disadvantage people with intellectual disability. 

Read our submission to the NDIA to stop independent assessments.

Along with many other organisations across the disability community, we also actively supported the Every Australian Counts “Hands Off Our NDIS” campaign.  

A huge win!

In June 2021, we were thrilled to see the Government finally listen and put a stop to the rollout of compulsory assessments. 

We still believe that the NDIS needs to be a fair system and that people should have more say on how they use their support funding.  

We think that people with disabilities should be able to get free assessments when they need them to get into the scheme, or as part of working out what their support needs are. 

We will continue to work closely with the NDIA and the Federal government to make sure the voice of people with intellectual disability is included in ongoing reforms to the NDIS.