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Our Voice

Our Voice members from 2017 talk about the role of Our Voice

Our Voice is an official committee of the Inclusion Australia Board.  

Our Voice gives advice to the board to make sure the voices of people with an intellectual disability are listened to. We work together to:

  • break down barriers,
  • uphold human rights, and
  • make sure all Australians with an intellectual disability are included when making big changes.

The Our Voice Chair is a member of the Inclusion Australia Board. They go to Board meetings and have a vote, just like all the other Board members. 

Who is part of Our Voice? 

All Our Voice members are people with an intellectual disability, and self-advocates. 

Each Our Voice member is nominated by their state member organization.  

Their role is to represent people with intellectual disability from their state or territory. 

Current Our Voice members are: 

The term for each Our Voice member and the Our Voice Chair is 3 years.  

Who Our Voice represents 

Our Voice members represent self-advocacy groups run by our member organisations.  


Parent 2 Parent runs a self-advocacy group on the Sunshine Coast called Loud and Clear Queensland. Payge is the Loud and Clear representative in Our Voice.  

To find out more contact Loud and Clear on 1800 777 723 or email [email protected].  

Speak Out Reach Out self advocacy group

New South Wales 

Council for Intellectual Disability (CID) run 2 self-advocacy groups in Sydney:   

  • CID Advocacy Group 
  • Speak Out Reach Out.

Speak Out Reach Out is an advisory group to the CID Board. Laura is the CID representative in Our Voice.  

To find out more contact CID on 1800 424 065.   


Speak Out Advocacy has 3 self-advocacy groups in Tasmania:  

  • Speak Out North West Self Advocacy Group 
  • Speak Out North Self Advocacy Group 
  • Speak Out South Self Advocacy Group.  

To find out more contact Speak Out on (03) 6231 2344 or email [email protected].   

South Australia 

South Australian Council for Intellectual Disability (SACID) run self-advocacy and peer support groups in South Australia:   

  • SACID Reference Group  
  • Peer Action Crews.  

The SACID Reference Group is a sub-committee of the SACID Board. Sarah is the SACID representative in Our Voice.  

To find out more contact SACID on (08) 8352 4416 or email [email protected].   

A group of 10 people smiling and looking at the camera. Some are sitting and some are standing.

Western Australia 

Developmental Disability WA run DDWA’s self-advocacy program and have an Advisory Council to the Board.   

The Keys to Success program is co-facilitated by people with intellectual disability. It is run in high schools and group homes and teaches people about their rights and how to stand up for themselves. Kyal is the DDWA representative in Our Voice.  

To find out more contact DDWA on (08) 9420 7203 or email [email protected].  


VALID runs a broad range of self-advocacy programs across Victoria, including:   

  • 4 self-advocacy networks in Melbourne 
  • 23 Peer Action Groups across Victoria 
  • the VALID Self-Advocacy Forum 
  • Keys to Success self-advocacy training 
  • the VALID8 program in Group Homes.  

Sam is the VALID representative in Our Voice.  

To find out more contact Rick at VALID on (03) 9416 4003 or email [email protected].

The Our Voice Melbourne Report 

Our Voice members (2024)

In October 2024, Our Voice held their most recent strategy workshops in Melbourne. They meet every year for strategy days to work together with Inclusion Australia’s Board.  

In these workshop they talked about:  

  • what Our Voice has been working on 
  • recommendations to the Board about how to better include people with intellectual disability in governance
  • stakeholder mapping
  • skills development
  • plans for the next year of Our Voice. 

Our Voice in the Disability Royal Commission

A photo of a courtroom used for disability royal commission hearings.
Disability Royal Commission public hearing

In 2020 Our Voice members were interviewed for work by Inclusion Australia for the Disability Royal Commission.

We helped write 5 position papers about the big issues for people with an intellectual disability:

  • Respect
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Choice and Control
  • Where to live and who to live with.

Kalena also spoke at public hearings about open employment and COVID-19.