As part of our Make Decisions Real project, we came up with the 5 Steps of Supported Decision Making.
We made a series of videos to help you understand the 5 steps.
The videos show people with an intellectual disability talking about how they make decisions in their own lives. Each video covers a different step of the supported decision making process. All of the videos have closed captions.
It’s a good idea to watch the videos in order. You can watch these videos with your decision supporter if you want.
There is a video activity booklet to go with the videos. You can download the video activity booklet here.
At the end of each video there are questions for you to think about. Write or draw your answers in the video activity booklet.

Introduction to Supported Decision Making
Step 1: Explore the decision
Step 2: Involve the right people
Step 3: Think about options and consequences
Step 4: Make the decision real
Step 5: Reflect on what happened
Supported decisions making with Peer Workers Brooke and Lorraine
In this video, Inclusion Australia peer workers Brooke and Lorraine talk about the Make Decisions Real and their own decision making stories.