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Towards Inclusive Practice

Including Everyone.

A project by:

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Inclusive consultations

Consultations are an important way for organisations to hear the voices and opinions of people who are impacted by and rely on their services.

People with an intellectual disability face some specific barriers to participation in consultations, including:

  • not being aware of the consultation occurring
  • information about the consultation is not clear or easy to read
  • questions being inappropriate, inaccessible or framed in a way that doesn’t make sense
  • consultations being held in inaccessible locations
  • not being given enough time to respond
  • not having support to participate.

These barriers mean people with an intellectual disability are often excluded from consultation processes and their voices not heard.

In this section we will look at these barriers and how you can be more inclusive when planning, promoting, running and sharing outcomes from your consultation.

Resources on this topic

Front page of Inclusive Consultations guide

Guide: Planning inclusive consultations

This guide covers:

  • Why do inclusive consultations matter?
  • Designing your consultation questions
  • Recruiting participants
  • The role of families and supporters
Front page of Talking About Your Consultation factsheet

Factsheet: Inclusive Consultations – Talking Accessibly About Your Project

This guide covers:

  • Talking about your consultation
  • Things we need to know
Coming Soon placeholder image

Tip sheet: Asking good questions