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Mid-term review of the National Health Reform Agreement Addendum 2020-25

The National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) Addendum is an agreement between the Australian Commonwealth government and all state and territory governments about what they will do to improve health outcomes for all Australians.

You can read more about the NHRA Addendum here. Unfortunately there is no Easy Read. 2020–25 National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA)

There is now a mid-term review of the NHRA Addendum. Independent reviewers will look at how the agreement has been working and how it can be improved. They will make a final report to federal and state and territory Health Ministers at the end of 2023.

Inclusion Australia was invited to give feedback to the mid-term review.

In our submission, we highlighted how the NHRA Addendum can be more inclusive of people with an intellectual disability, and help improve their health outcomes.

We also asked the reviewers to recommend there be Easy Read versions of the NHRA Addendum and of their final report to Health Ministers.

You can read our submission here: Response to Mid-term review of the National Health Reform Agreement Addendum 2020-25