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NDIS Review background papers

Right now, there is an Independent Review of the NDIS (the Review) happening.

The Review team asked Inclusion Australia to speak with people with intellectual disability, their families, and advocates about how the NDIS could be improved for NDIS participants.

Inclusion Australia and state and territory members ran consultations across Australia, including:

  • 20 workshops with people with intellectual disability
  • 5 workshops with families of people with intellectual disability
  • 5 workshops with intellectual disability researchers and advocates.

Inclusion Australia shared valuable insight with the Review team about peoples’ experiences with the NDIS, including their suggestions for improvement.

Inclusion Australia also arranged for background papers to be written by leading disability advocacy researchers about the NDIS.

These papers provided information about different topics to do with the NDIS and what we know about the problems for people with an intellectual disability. They suggested some solutions to make things better. We used these papers for some of our workshops to help us come up with new ideas.

We have background papers on the topics of:

  • Access and Planning
  • Home and Living
  • Supported Decision Making
  • Reasonable and Necessary supports
  • Complex Support Needs and Restrictive Practices.

Inclusion Australia also submitted the background papers to the Review.

The Review Panel will make recommendations about what they think needs to change and write a final report to Minister Bill Shorten and the Australian Government. We think this report will be released in November 2023.

You can view the NDIS Review background papers here, including an Easy Read version of each paper: