Our submission to the Disability Royal Commission on inclusive employment for people with an intellectual disability
Equal Pay, Equal Rights
In late 2022 and early 2023, Inclusion Australia led a big project with people with an intellectual disability and families, exploring barriers and opportunities to inclusive employment.
We received funding contributions to do this work from philanthropy and People with Disability Australia (PWDA).
As part of the project, we did extensive stakeholder engagement over several months. This included a project advisory group, interviews, surveys, and individual discussions. We also commissioned experts to lead research on inclusive employment.
Through this work we have developed several papers and submissions which are gathered here. Please feel free to read, share and reference this work.
We are currently working to make accessible information about the things people said and the recommendations from this project. We will post these on the Inclusive Employment page. Stay tuned!
Equal Pay, Equal Rights – Final submisison to the Disability Royal Commission
Information gathered from the consultations and research were pulled together in a submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability in December 2022. It outlines the barriers to inclusive employment as well as the solutions and recommendations for a new approach to employment for people with an intellectual disability.
Our submission is very long – over 270 pages. We have done this to bring all the evidence on inclusive employment together in one place and to make sure the Disability Royal Commission have all the information they need. You can find an Easy Read summary here.
Equal Pay Equal Rights – Stakeholder Engagement Analysis
Our stakeholder work was a key element of the final submission we gave to the Royal Commission and informed our recommendations and analysis. However we did not have time to write up our full analysis before the
Commission’s deadline for submissions closed. This was later provided to the Disability Royal Commission. This paper explains the methods we used for stakeholder engagement and sets out the key findings from this work. We believe that this peer approach to stakeholder engagement is fundamental for developing solutions that will work.
Supported Worker Wages Transition Model
We engaged Impact Economics and Policy to develop independent economic modelling for our submission to the Disability Royal Commission. They have developed a model designed to estimate income outcomes of people with disability who are employed and being paid under the Supported Employment Services Award 2020 and/or the Supported Wage System.
Equal Pay, Equal Rights – Overseas Examples
We developed a summary of notable international approaches to increasing employment for people with an intellectual disability and their relevance to Australia’s situation.
- Download: Equal Pay Equal Rights - Final Submission to the Disability Royal Commission (PDF)
- Download: Equal Pay, Equal Rights - Easy Read Summary (PDF)
- Download: Equal Pay, Equal Rights - Stakeholder Engagement Analysis (PDF)
- Download: Supported Worker Wages Transition Model (PDF)
- Download: Overseas Examples (PDF)
Research Papers
We also commissioned the Centre for Social Impact to develop a series of research papers about inclusive employment:
- Employment Ecosystem Paper 1_Employment Ecosystem
- Elements of Employment Support Paper 2_Elements of Employment Support
- Reshaping School Leaver Employment Supports Paper 3_Reshaping SLES
- ADE Snapshot – Paper 4_ADE Snapshot
- WISE-Ability Model Paper 5 WISE-Ability Model
- Download: Centre for Social Impact - Employment Ecosystem (PDF)
- Download: Centre for Social Impact - Elements of Employment Support (PDF)
- Download: Centre for Social Impact - Reshaping SLES (PDF)
- Download: Centre for Social Impact - ADE Snapshot (PDF)
- Download: Centre for Social Impact - WISE-Ability Model (PDF)