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Talking about the Voice to Parliament

An interview with Damian Griffis from First Peoples Disability Network

After weeks of speculation, the date of the Voice to Parliament referendum was announced this week by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

The referendum will happen on Saturday, 14 October 2023.

Inclusion Australia thinks everyone should be included in this important conversation. This includes having accessible information to understand what the referendum is and why it matters.

The day before the announcement, our team met with Damian Griffis, CEO of First People’s Disability Network for a helpful chat about the referendum and the Voice to Parliament.

Brooke Canham and William Ward-Boas asked Damian questions that will help you understand more about the referendum and why it matters to all Australians.

You can watch their chat in full below.

You can also read their interview here: Talking about the Voice to Parliament

This handy Easy Read fact sheet to the Voice to Parliament by the Council for Intellectual Disability will also help you understand the facts before you #HaveYourSay: The Voice to Parliament Easy Read fact sheet – Council for Intellectual Disability