Disability Employment Centre of Excellence
The Australian Government is making a Disability Employment Centre of Excellence (the Centre) to improve employment outcomes for people with disability.
The Department of Social Services made an Options Paper to talk about what they have heard from people about what the Centre should look like. There is also an Easy Read version.
We worked alongside our fellow national Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) to make a joint submission to the government about our vision for the Centre. This submission was coordinated by the Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) through the National Coordination Function. We strongly agree with this joint submission and all the recommendations it makes.
You can read the joint submission here: Disability Employment Centre of Excellence Options Paper – Joint Submission.
We also made an extra submission to the consultation to highlight some of the unique issues that are important for people with an intellectual disability and their families. You can read this submission here: Disability Employment Centre of Excellence.