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Joint submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Access to Dental Services in Australia

In March 2023, the Australian Senate established the Select Committee into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia.

The Committee was set up to investigate and report on how people experience dental care in Australia, and how to improve dental services for everyone.

The Committee wanted to hear from all Australians, including people with disability, about what makes it hard to get dental care and how to make dental services more accessible and inclusive.

Inclusion Australia made a joint submission to the Committee with these organisations:

  • Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)
  • Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA)
  • Down Syndrome Australia

We talked to people with disability, including people with an intellectual disability, about their experiences with dental care and the barriers they face to getting good quality dental care.

We made recommendations to the Committee about what needs to change.

You can read out joint submission here. An Easy Read version will be available soon.