The IANT team reflect on a big week together in Darwin.
Inclusion Australia Northern Territory opens its new office
The IANT team celebrate by cutting a cake with our new logo.
On Tuesday 18th April, we had a party to celebrate the official opening of our Inclusion Australia Northern Territory office.
It went really well and felt very welcoming.
The Welcome to Country from Jeanneen was very meaningful and personal. You could feel it when she talked.
Our CEO Catherine McAlpine talked about what we do at Inclusion Australia. The NT team talked about our work in the Northern Territory.
People enjoyed themselves and were interested in the new office. They asked a lot of questions.
The IANT team – Liz Collier, Daniel Ross, Rebecca Hell and Ben Hankin – together with our CEO Catherine McAlpine and Senior Manager, Maeve Kennedy
On Thursday we met with the Honorable Ngaree Ah Kit, the Minister for Disability in the Northern Territory.
It was nice to have her come to our office and see what we do. We are looking forward to talking with her more in the future about people with an intellectual disability in the Northern Territory.

We are enjoying working in our office. It’s nice to have our own permanent space to come to and work in.
It’s a good space and a good location. It’s a comfortable and relaxed space. You can feel the relaxation and know that you’re coming to a safe environment when you’re coming to work.

The best thing about the office is the team – we work really well together.
It’s also great to work with teams in other states and know where people are in different projects. It’s unique.