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NDIS review welcome but must include people with an intellectual disability

Inclusion Australia welcomes the announcement today of an independent review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Government says the review will look at the NDIS design, operation, and sustainability to “get the NDIS back on track.”

Following soon after the recent appointment of a new CEO and NDIA Board chair, this review presents an opportunity to revisit the original aims and principles of the scheme as it approaches its 10-year anniversary.

The review will be co-chaired by Professor Bruce Bonyhady and Lisa Paul AO, former Secretary of the Australia Government Department of Education and Chair of the Expert Panel for the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review.

They will be supported by a panel of disability advocates, including former Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commissioner Kevin Cocks AM; General Manager of the Melbourne Disability Institute Kirsten Deane OAM, Executive Director, Community Connections, Dougie Herd; Dr Stephen King from the Productivity Commission; and Judy Brewer AO, a high-profile speaker, writer and advocate on issues relating to education, autism, and family carers.

Launching the review in Canberra today, Minister for the NDIS Bill Shorten said “the panel chosen to lead the review are some of Australia’s leading experts on disability and each of them comes to the table with the aim of ensuring the NDIS achieves its goal and is there for future generations.”

Inclusion Australia recognises the significant experience of the panel members across a range of disability issues, with several members involved in the initial design and implementation of the NDIS.

We welcome news that the review will “work with participants, their families and carers.” However, with around 20% of NDIS participants having an intellectual disability, and over 60% with a cognitive disability, it is critical that people with relevant lived experience are supported to participate in the review.  Targeted, accessible, co-designed strategies are needed to ensure the voice and experience of people with an intellectual disability are heard and taken into account.

As noted this week in a speech by Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Dr Ben Gauntlett, “people with intellectual or cognitive disability need to be included in how we design policy.”  This review provides an opportunity to show that the NDIS can reflect the need of all people who use it.

There will be a webinar about the review this Thursday 20 October 2022 from 4.30pm AEDT. For more details visit:

The panel will deliver a final report by the end of October 2023.

For more on the Review, visit