Calling all aspiring writers with an intellectual disability in Australia!
Dulcie Stone Writer’s Competition
It’s time to put pen to paper or sit at your computer and write a story!
Our Victorian member organisation VALID is excited to announce the new 2024 Dulcie Stone Writer’s Competition. This year, the competition is open to anyone over 18 with an intellectual disability, from anywhere across Australia.
The Competition is designed to showcase the voices of people with an intellectual disability. It recognises the lifetime contribution of Dulcie Stone to services for people with an intellectual disability and writing.
The theme for this year is:
You can write a story or poem up to 500 words.
The writing competition is now open and closes on Monday 2 September 2024.
There is an overall first prize of $400. There are $200 prizes for winners in each state.
The competition is supported by Writers Victoria and Inclusion Australia.
You can download an easy read application form here (and below) to start your writing journey!
About Dulcie Stone:
The late Dulcie Stone was a great disability advocate from Victoria.
She was a big supporter of people with an intellectual disability, and writing. VALID created the Dulcie Stone Writer’s Competition to remember Dulcie and to encourage people with an intellectual disability to be creative.
Dulcie Stone won acclaim as an author, educator and campaigner for people with an intellectual disability. She worked as the Director of the WJ Christie Centre in Mildura, taught adult literacy classes, coordinated a range of volunteer services and served on numerous boards and committees across Victoria. Dulcie was awarded an MBE in 1981 for services to people with disability, and published over 30 books, both fiction and non-fiction.
About VALID:
VALID’s vision is an Australia in which people with a disability are empowered to exercise their rights as human beings and citizens in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. VALID strives to realise its vision by providing a range of advocacy and information programs that empower people with disabilities to become the leaders in their own lives. VALID is excited to once again be working with Writers Victoria to help progress this vision through the Dulcie Stone Writers Competition.
About Writers Victoria:
With nearly 2,500 members, Writers Victoria are the state’s largest organisation supporting Victorian writers. They have a history of supporting writers who face barriers to participation and in the development of their skills, practice and writing careers. In particular through their flagship write-ability program for writers with disability that was highly commended at the 2016 Victorian Disability Awards. The Write-ability ethos has been built around the importance of self-told stories, disability-leadership and peer support, and the creating of opportunities for even the quietest voices to be heard.