2024 is a big year for the Inclusion Australia Northern Territory (IANT) team. From 1 July 2024, the organisation providing support to IANT will change from Inclusion Australia to the South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability (SACID).
SACID is the South Australian member of Inclusion Australia. They speak up about issues that are important to people with intellectual disability and their families in South Australia.
Earlier this year, members of the IANT team met with Felicity Crowther, Executive Director of SACID to talk about the changes and said:
- “Felicity is a nice person to meet and I am looking forward to working with her in the future.”
- “I am happy and excited about this change.”
- “I am glad we are talking about the change.”
- “I am looking forward to meeting new people.”
In March the IANT team welcomed Felicity, Melinda, Kim and Maddi from SACID to Darwin to meet with the Local Steering Group and learn more about our work in the Northern Territory. The IANT team has started doing some training with SACID and both teams are enjoying learning together.
Support from SACID will strengthen IANT’s work and create more opportunities to work with people with an intellectual disability and families in the NT. This includes learning how to deliver more workshops and work on Easy Read information.
IANT will continue to represent people with an intellectual disability and families who live in the Northern Territory as the NT representative organisation of Inclusion Australia. From 1 July its name will change to ‘Inclusion Northern Territory.’
Easy Read information about the changes.