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Automated decision making in Government Services

The Attorney-General’s Department (the Department) is looking into the use of automated decision-making (ADM) and how it is used in Government Services, like Centrelink or the NDIA.

ADM means using technology instead of humans to make decisions. For example, this could be by using computer programs or algorithms to make a decision about whether a Centrelink payment is approved or cancelled.

The Department held a public consultation to hear feedback from the community about what is good and bad about using ADM. You can read more about the public consultation here.

Inclusion Australia was part of a joint submission with PWDA, DANA and Down Syndrome Australia. In our submission, we talked about why ADM can be risky and might lead to worse outcomes for people with disability who are using Government Services. We made recommendations about different safeguards that should be in place to make sure ADM is fit-for-purpose and doesn’t leave people worse off.

You can read our joint submission here.