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Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on Guardianship and Substituted Decision Making

This submission was developed as part of Disability Royal Commission Public hearing 30: Guardianship, substituted and supported decision-making 

It includes:

1. Our media statement for DRC Public Hearing 30

2. Our Easy Read statement for DRC Public Hearing 30

3. Case studies supplied by Darwin Community Legal Service in November 2022, illustrating the challenges faced by people with an intellectual disability, particularly First Nations people, related to the guardianship system and substitute decision-making

4. Our submission to the NDIS Support for Decision Making consultation in September 2021.

5. An Easy Read summary of our submission to the NDIS Support for Decision Making consultation

It was developed by working with Inclusion Australia members and the Inclusion Australia Northern Territory (IANT) Local Steering Group members and other civil society stakeholders across the Territory, and we thank them for their time and contributions.