A new specialist disability employment program
The Australian Government is making a new specialist disability employment program. This will be ready in 2025 and it will replace the current Disability Employment Services (DES) program.
The Department of Social Services (DSS) has made a plan about what the new program will be like. This plan talks about how disability employment services will run in the new program.
You can find information about the plan here. The Easy Read version of the plan is here.
DSS has asked for feedback from the community. DSS will use the feedback to make an updated plan for the new program later this year. Inclusion Australia has sent three submissions to DSS about the specialist disability employment program.
Specialist disability employment program submissions
A new specialist disability employment program
This submission talks about how to make the new program work well for people with an intellectual disability and families.
You can read our submission here or click below.
Ongoing support in the new specialist disability employment program
This submission talks about what needs to change to make sure people with an intellectual disability get access to secure and flexible ongoing support in the workplace.
You can read our submission here or click below.
National Panel of Assessors – A new specialist disability employment program
DSS made an Exposure Draft of a Request for Tender for a National Panel of Assessors. There is an Easy Read version available here.
The National Panel of Assessors is responsible for providing assessment services in DES. This means checking what supports people might need to find and keep a job. This includes ongoing support assessments and Supported Wage System assessments.
This submission talks about what needs to change to make sure assessments work well for people with an intellectual disability.
You can read out submission here or click below.